So, I was reminded yesterday of a story my friend once told me about him and his wife.
The story came from when we were talking about a mutual friend that was having an affair with a female soldier. As we were talking and discussing our disgust for out then friend, he starts to tell me about how his wife would never cheat on him. So, I indulged him and asked him why he was so sure that she would never cheat on him. He then told about what he did before his last deployment. Apparently, he dug a hole in the woods behind his house and then took his wife on a walk to see the hole. Once they were both standing over the hole, he pointed to it and said "never cheat on me," and walked off.
What a nice way to convince someone.
Whoa! that is one way of doing things!
Lol, never cheated on him but ditched him right after.
i must make a note of that
Heh, that's one way to put it.
Whatever works I guess! Still, deployment must be hellish on families and relationships.
wasnt there a line in the Godfather that said "Fear keeps people loyal"?
lol, and his wife stayed with him after that?
Well...It looks like Im gonna head out back and start digging a hole.
Wow, i don't know if my wife would like me doing that
wow thats shocking man
wow, thats kind of hardcore haha
thats a little creepy
haha, he must have scared the sh!t out of his wife
nice story
Woah, that's some nice friends you have there. ;)
That's uhmmm, funny in a ridiculous way but if that really happened that's kinda horrifying. Relationships shouldn't be based on threats lol
Haha, damn! That's how you tell 'em xD
Hahaha that's kinda brutal lol. Funny stuff man.
hhahahahaha...No wonder why he is in army;-)
Brutal but simple.
Hahahahaha, smooth :D
Pretty funny, but also kind of disheartening O_o
Funny! And useful.
That is true love, not.
pretty messed up if this is true, btw.
holy shit, that's blunt! haha that is kind of funny though.
well that is certainly direct
Lol, if my husband showed me the "hole" and said that.
I would have replied, "nice hole, hope you dug it comfortably enough to sleep in from now on."
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